A fabulous and inspiring history and precisely the reason(s) I cannot watch the Tavern In the Green section of ‘The Last Magnificent.’ My blood pressure rises recalling the antics of those two ignorant putzes.

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David you’re far too kind. 🤭

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"Ignorant putzes' indeed. And that is the kindest way of describing them.

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Oh believe me I have more to say but was being careful seeing as we live in a very litigious world now. 🙄

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Every aspiring chef needs to know the details of your amazing history of My Friend! 🌈⭐️💗

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Thank you, Norman, and for your friendship!

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At this rate, most of the review of my life will consist of looking at your posts. Thanks a lot for delaying my entry into heaven.

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Of course, I wouldn't look if it wasn't so heavenly.

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Jeremiah: So good to see your CV arranged by location. I vividly remember great meals at all of the local places from Chez Panisse to the Balboa to the SFBG, Stars and incidental elaborate feasts elsewhere. Our invitation to Hawaii still stands: this year we're there from Feb. 1- April 15; next year probably a similar time frame. Kona is really beautiful and the Kampachi, Ahi and Mahi Mahi splendid. Aloha! P.S. Heather Mueller who worked at the Santa Fe B+G lives at our development - the Keauhou Kona Surf and Racquet Club - and has great memories of her time working there. Be cool, as ever!

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Well, my dear, would love to see Hawaii again, and will plan it. Thank you for the invite. And please give my best to Heather.

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What amazing memories of food glory people your mind! I could speak with you for hours exploring these themes. Thanks for sharing!

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And thank you for enjoying them!

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Great photos...crazy wonderful career!

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Yes, a crazy ride!

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Well done and worth reviewing although I was familiar with almost all of this from your books, articles, and The Last Magnificent. I thought your inspiration for Stars was Bofinger in Paris. Where did I read that? Don't get me wrong, La Coupole--c'est tres magnifique!! I dined at Chez Panisse after your departure and then several times at Stars when I would attend business meetings in San Francisco. I suspect I read about Stars in something like Esquire. I would check into my hotel, throw my luggage on the bed and then immediately dart to Star's as fast as I could. I always dined alone but did not mind at all as there so much eating and watching the entire show to do. Oh, to have a Time Machine and revisit those experiences. I lived in San Francisco the summer of 1970 and then a year 1971-72, but was oblivious of you and Alice at that time. Most of my dining occurred in Sausalito and spots north and on the way to Pt. Reyes (Manka's was a favorite). Who would have thought to check out Berkeley? Ma faute! DG

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Getting the messsge out for people to check out Berkeley was a huge challenge. And Yes, Bofinger was my go to and much of the inspiration. As were all the good Paris brasseries. Thank you, Daniel, for this.

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What an amazing post and what an amazing life. Those pictures!

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Thank you!

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My Dad took my sister and I to lunch at Stars in the 80s — a lunch just with Dad was a very special occasion, and one we did annually and Mom was fine with not being included. I still remember the star-shaped cheese melted on my burger and how this detail blew my mind. While the Balboa is still in rotation, I do wish Stars were extant now that I'm an adult and could really partake with friends! xx

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What a fine memory, Annie, and we all wish Stars was still there.

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What a quick trip through your stellar career. We had a new friend over for steak au poivre (which I do well along with garlic mashed red potatoes and sautéed spinach + yellow raisins - a great bottle of Château Latour we’d been gifted -a (too heavy) orange mousse..) and he was say 40 years old. Asked me if I’d ever heard of Jeremiah and Stars- which he knew only by way of word-of-mouth- and I was so pleased he knew. My point being even those who never went- know. 🤩

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Ahd a wonderful message, Jim, and thank you very much. Wish I could shave a steak au poivre with you!

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You are a sweet man Jeremiah. I’d be delighted to cook for you and Curtis if you find yourselves in Gotham. You are one of my gay heroes - seriously - you are a national treasure. Why did I love Stars so? The hook was that you served good Champagne by the glass as did/do any bistro in Paris. Americans typically drank only on special occasions- I mean 🤷🏼. And you always had a flute in hand…kindred spirits.

I have two sons I raised as a single gay dad. My youngest - he must have been 12 - surprised me on Valentine’s Day in SFO. “Dad, I’m your Valentine. I made a reservation at Zuni, let’s have Champagne and oysters to start.”

We did.

A year or so thereafter I threw a 40-something birthday for myself at Stars in a private room. Flush with Wall Street cash, I invited all my close friends (and my son). That would include our next-door neighbor David Landis (the “Gay Gourmet”) and his partner (now-husband) Sean Dowdall- as well as the fascinating character Joe O’Donohue whom you may recall.

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A shout out for Noreen & Brad as well

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Yes, of course, stupid of me to miss those great names. Hope you are well and thriving, Tom.

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Remembering the ducks Noreen smoked - I think it was right before we opened Stars. That’s when you taught us how to drink pepper vodka. Wonderful times.

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